Trinity Preschool

Trinity Preschool is a small, family-friendly center focusing on low teacher-student ratio, high teacher retention, creativity and learning through meaningful play for ages 2 through 4 with flexible programming options including half-day or full-day, part-time or full-time, Free VPK, and both Early Care and After Care.
We pride ourselves on teacher retention and professional education. Our teachers combined with our director have spent over 35 years serving the children of Trinity Preschool! Each teacher holds or is working towards FCCPC/CDA or higher degree.
Brooke Brayton serves as Preschool Director and holds a Director's Credentials certificate and a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from Florida Gulf Coast University.
Phone: 941-350-8684
Hours: 7:45 AM – 3:30 PM, Monday – Friday
License #: 58-03-00748